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Monday, 28 February 2011

So there goes February

Right, today is the 1st of March so pinch punch etc etc......

I had my weigh in yesterday, and even though last week I had a few set backs such as a 4 day holiday, general laziness, and a cracked bone in my elbow my weight was 153.6kg

That puts my monthly weight loss at 7.4kg which isn't bad for 4 weeks.

Infact, I think it's quite a lot.

I went to the pharmacy on sat to get some more vitamins and spotted this stuff called alli. It's a weight loss pill which stops you absorbing 1/4 fat into your body that you eat. Apparently it helps you loose 50% more weight then you would normally. So Over the next 4 weeks I'm going to take it, if I loose more weight then I shall go to the dr's and get it prescribed, if I loose the same amount or less then I won't bother taking it any more.

Anyway time for work, oh and on sunday I ran 4km for the first time ever!

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