Pageviews from the past week


Wednesday, 23 February 2011

So this week I kinda had enough of all this dieting, I was tired and aching so I had a weekend (and Monday) off from the gym. I did stick to my diet though so all was not lost, however my third cheat meal of the day did consist of a dominos pizza, that's more then my daily calorie intake.

Any this lead to a rather uninspiring 0.5kg loss for the week, however I weighed myself this morning and things are looking up for this week.

Anyway, after getting into trouble with my elbow at the gym I decided to take myself off to the hospital to get it looked at, turns out that small pain in my elbow is actually a small crack. Oops, so for the time being any weights are out, so just aerobic exercise for the week coming. That's not to bad as I have a ling weekend off so i'm going to venture further afield on the bike.

So I'll update after my trip to the fracture clinic on wednesday, keep following that spread sheet for info on diet and exercise.

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