Pageviews from the past week


Monday, 28 February 2011

So there goes February

Right, today is the 1st of March so pinch punch etc etc......

I had my weigh in yesterday, and even though last week I had a few set backs such as a 4 day holiday, general laziness, and a cracked bone in my elbow my weight was 153.6kg

That puts my monthly weight loss at 7.4kg which isn't bad for 4 weeks.

Infact, I think it's quite a lot.

I went to the pharmacy on sat to get some more vitamins and spotted this stuff called alli. It's a weight loss pill which stops you absorbing 1/4 fat into your body that you eat. Apparently it helps you loose 50% more weight then you would normally. So Over the next 4 weeks I'm going to take it, if I loose more weight then I shall go to the dr's and get it prescribed, if I loose the same amount or less then I won't bother taking it any more.

Anyway time for work, oh and on sunday I ran 4km for the first time ever!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

So this week I kinda had enough of all this dieting, I was tired and aching so I had a weekend (and Monday) off from the gym. I did stick to my diet though so all was not lost, however my third cheat meal of the day did consist of a dominos pizza, that's more then my daily calorie intake.

Any this lead to a rather uninspiring 0.5kg loss for the week, however I weighed myself this morning and things are looking up for this week.

Anyway, after getting into trouble with my elbow at the gym I decided to take myself off to the hospital to get it looked at, turns out that small pain in my elbow is actually a small crack. Oops, so for the time being any weights are out, so just aerobic exercise for the week coming. That's not to bad as I have a ling weekend off so i'm going to venture further afield on the bike.

So I'll update after my trip to the fracture clinic on wednesday, keep following that spread sheet for info on diet and exercise.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Target achived..... And a bit more

Well last week, you know the week that got off to a bad start with two McDonalds, well I lost a staggering 3.5kg, taking me down to 155.6kg. I didn't quite believe this, so I weighed my self in the evening and again yesterday and it all seems to tie in so I'm putting it down to a large water loss rather then proper weight loss. (weigh days are always post weekend binge on Mondays)

My target for this week then becomes slightly more complicated, if it was water loss, then I could easily put back on a couple of kgs however I still need to loose weight. So My target this week is 1.1kg, taking me down to 154.5kg. That's still on target to be 23 stone by my next skiing trip, but still achievable if last week was an error reading.

I have also damaged my elbow, i think I have a trapped nerve in the joint because I can't straighten it, not that I've ever been able to fully straighten it but no it's worse then usual and it actually hurts which it's never done before. I'm sure I'll get this sorted by August, but until then expect some more whining over it.

I'm getting a bit tied of exercising before and after work, my few nights off become kind off sacred and I'm not sure how sustainable it is. However I have 3 holidays coming up, end of feb, march then half of April, so these should give me the break that I'm looking for.

Thanks again for following, it does actually mean something.

Don't forget to keep a tab of my diary......

Thursday, 10 February 2011

weight < age

Well, on Monday I achived it, I got to 159.1kg which is just under 25stone, this means that my weight in stone is now less then my age. For some reason this was pretty significant, even though it was bound to happen at some point, it was always a case of this year .... then next year... then the year after, well now the time has come.

I've decided to do a diary of my exercise, it's a bit rushed and needs some editing, and not all of it is filled out at the minute, but by the weekend it will all be good. Here is the link so feel free to have a gander.

Anyway, it's late and I'm going to sleep.

New short term target, by Monday I want to be 157.5kg, though given the bad start to the week it might not be achived!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

It's happened

OK, so officially the diet went to pot on the flight over there and didn't really ever had a chance, hence my early warning last week. Going out every night until 2 or 3 then up at 8 for a day sight seeing whilst only buying food on the go doesn't equate to a healthy diet. However, I did walk alot and I did go for the odd run in Central Park, which was the best part of New York IMO. My weight this morning was 161kg exactly, this is 0.1kg heavier then last week. In some ways I'm glad it's not more, but I'm still disappointed, never mind, I might just jump on the scales tomorrow when I'll probably be back under 160.9.

Still for next week the target stays the same as it was last week. 159kg by Monday. So far since Monday, I've been running once, and to the gym twice and I'm back on the diet. TBH I'm finding it rather easy to follow this diet and I'm not sure why. I'm going to buy a tape measure and start taking waist measurements now to see an improvement in that because I'm not sure what I was when I started, something around a 52 inch waist, and what I am now, then only difference I can tell is when I started I couldn't really put my belt on the first hole, and last week I had to buy a new one because it was too big.

Some long term goals I would like to set are 23 stone by the end of March and then 19 stone by my birthday on the 5th of August, whilst these are tough goals, I feel they are achievable with a bit of hard work!

Anyway it's late and Wednesdays is run day, so I'm off. Once again thanks for taking time out to read.

And in that pic, I'm wearing two fleeces, my skiing jacket and a tshirt, which is why I look quite puffy. It's the jacket sir... Honest!!