Pageviews from the past week


Sunday, 30 May 2010

Over a month!!!!

So I didn't realise it had been over a month since I last posted, I can't quite believe how quickly time is going!

I have been busy changing jobs and I start my new one on Tuesday just after the bank holiday. So how is the weight loss going I hear you ask? Well in a way it's going rather well. This week I weighed 169.9kg, which is only a 0.4kg loss in a month, but that riding trip I had to Wales, followed by that weekend in bath riding and playing american football. Well it turns out that I went up to 174.5kg!! All that hard work undone.

However it has now been redone, and I have to step up my riding in preperation for the trip to the alps. Thiis is going to be harder said then done, that new job I was talking about, well it is 7:30 am till 7:30 pm with a 40min drive either side, so any chance of going to the gym before work has gone out of the window. No gym near the place where I work opens any earlier!

This means I now have to go to the gym after work, which is something I have really struggled with only managing twice a week on average while I was averaging 5 times a week before work. I'm going to have to see how my new job pans out, and due to the decrease in my exercise I'm going to have to officially start dieting.

Though this year is looking to be the first time since I was 19 that I am not heavier then my age.

Next week, on Friday I shall start updating again, I will also add graphs and a what has been eaten/exercise undertaken table.

Thanks for the comments.

Oh and I would like to say well done to Adam for finishing University, finally, two years late.......

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