Pageviews from the past week


Sunday, 21 March 2010

Week 8

So, I didn't update last week, so for those of you who care i'm sorry, last week I lost 0.5kg and this week a mere o.2kg making my overall weight 173kg

It's getting harder, work is getting busier and I am out more evenings (working) a week. Though once april hits i'm not going to be very busy at work so can really step it up, I have lots of trips away planned to which I need to start getting myself ready for. Still for another week, cya

Monday, 8 March 2010

Week 6

Well, it's a bit later, but never the less I did hope on the scales on Friday and it was another loss only of 1.3kg but that makes me 10kg lighter from when I started.

I should of updated earlier but on Sat was an all day trip to Cwm Carn for some biking, if you look closely at the picture, you will notice that it isn't a plane but is infact me. Yes I am off the ground. Then on sunday popped up to sheffield. However today I'm back at work so I thought I would update everyone.
I think this week i'm going to try and get some longer rides planned as I'm off to Wales at the end of April and don't want to hold the group up.
This week I'm going to aim for a 2kg loss which would mean that I will have lost 2 stone in 7 weeks.