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Wednesday, 27 January 2010

In the beginning

My english isn't very descriptive and I'm new to blogging so you'll have to bear with with me.

So this is me new years eve 2009, all 29st of me.

This year I've decided to get down to 18st and I'm writing this blog to share my exploits and hopefully you can join me when I reach my target.

When I reach my target I'm going to go jump out of a plane, with a parachute, and compete in the Trans Rockies which is a big mountain bike race, which is in fact my biggest hobby.

I know it's odd that my biggest hobby is something active like cycling, but in truth, I'm big because I eat too much rather then don't do enough exercise.

I will weigh in every Friday, and therefore, work permitting will update this at least every Friday.

My first weighin was Friday 22/01, and was 183.7kg and like I said, my aim is to get down to 114.3kg.

69.4kg to go.

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